Scaling-up the Accessible Digital Textbooks initiative in Latin America and the Caribbean
Promoting Inclusive Education through Edtech solutions
Since 2016, when digital textbooks following universal design for learning principles gained momentum, the experiences of Paraguay, Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Uruguay, and Nicaragua allowed us to perceive ADTs as a powerful and positive tool to engage all students on an equal basis.
This UNICEF innovation goes beyond the creation of accessible textbooks. ADTs not only allow students with different learning styles to access the same content, participate in the same activities (in and out of the classroom), and have the same opportunities to achieve positive educational outcomes, they are engaging tools for learning more and in flexible ways. As one student stated, "they are open-minded tools."
Since 2021, UNICEF's regional office for Latin America and the Caribbean has received the financial support of the UK's ELEVA foundation to work on expanding, scaling-up and deepening this project in the region. And since the initiative is considered an innovative effort, UNICEF's Office of Research-Innocenti is collaborating to generate evidence on learning for children with disabilities.
We believe in an inclusive education that takes place in schools where children with and without disabilities can discover, learn, and play together.
For more information, please visit the regional website: